October 2000 (paper 1)
a. Write an account of the major difficulties encountered by the Prophet and his followers in the years when they lived in Makkah. [10]
b. Explain how their reaction to these difficulties sets an example for Muslims today. [5]
May 2001 (paper 1)
a. trace the main outlines of the relationship between the Muslims of Madinah and rthe Quraish of Makkah in the years between 622 and 632. [12]
b. Explain why the Prophet thought it was necessary to fight against the Quraish? [4]
June 2002 (paper 1)
a. Describe the events that immediately led up to the Prophet Muhammad’s migration, thie hijra. [10]
b. Suggest three reasons why he decided to move from Mecca to Madinah. [6]
a. Describe the teachings of Islam about the position of women as:
i. wives [4]
ii. mothers [4]
iii. daughters [3]
November 2002 (paper 1)
a. Briefly describe the Prophet’s experience in caves. [10]
b. Explain why each of these experiences was important in the history of Islam. [6]
a. Give brief biographical accounts of Hazrat Ayesha, Hazrat Khadijah and one other wife of the Prophet. [8]
b. Expalin the importance of these three figures in Islam. [8]
a. Describe the events in Madinah that immediately followed the hijra, mentioning especially the Muhajireen and Ansar. [10]
b. Explain the significance of these events as an example for Muslims today. [6]
June 2003 (paper 1)
a. Write an account of the major difficulties encountered by the Prophet and his followers in the years when they lived in Makkah. [12]
June 2004 (paper 1)
a. Outline the changes in the Prophet’s relation with the Jewish tribes and the ‘hypocrites’ in Madinah in the years between 622 and 632. [12]
b. Suggest reasons why his relationship with the Jewish tribes changed. [4]
June 2004 (paper 2)
a. Giving one example in each case, show how the life of the Prophet provides a model for Muslims:
i. in their treatment of other Muslims\
ii. in their treatment of non- Muslims
iii. in dealing with opposition
iv. in business transactions [4×3]
b. Explain how any two of these examples could help you or those around you in situations you have encountered recently. [2×2]
a. Write short accounts of the lives of:
i. Khadijah and
either ii. Aisha
or iii. Fatimah. [2×6]
b. Explain the significance of your two chosen figures during the lifetime of the Prophet. [2×2]
November 2004 (paper 2)
a. Give an account of the Prophet’s first experience of receiving revelation. [10]
b. Explain the significance of the actions of the angel and Waraqah Ibn Nawfal in this event. [2×3]
November 2004 (paper 2)
a. Describe three examples from the time of the Prophet and the Rightly Guided Caliphs that show the relations between the early Muslim state and other states. [3×4]
b. Suggest way in which any two of these examples can provide models for relations between states today. [3×4]
a. Identify the twelve wives of the Prophet. [6]
b. Explain the importance of
i. Khadijah during the life of the Prophet [5]
ii. Aishah in the tears following the Prophet’s death. [5]
June 2005 (paper 1)
a. Write brief accounts of the following two incidents in the life of the Prophet:
i. his attempt to preach to the people at Taif [5]
ii. his conquest of Makkah [5]
b. What lessons can Muslims today learn from the Prophet’s conduct in each of these incidents? [2×3]
June 2005 (paper 2)
a. Explain the importance of the following figures during the lifetime of the Prophet:
- Abu Talib [4]
- Bilal [4]
- Abu Sufyan [4]
- the Ansar [4]
a. Describe the events that immediately led up tp the migration, the hijra. [10]
b. Suggest three reasons why he decided to move from Makkah to Madinah. [6]
November 2005 (paper 2)
a. Write an account of the life of Ali ibn Abi Talib, paying particular attention to:
i. his companionship of the Prophet [6]
June 2006 (paper 1)
a. Give descriptions of the main events of the battles of Badr and Uhud. [12]
b. Explain why the people of Makkah fought against the Muslims of Madinah. [4]
June 2006 (paper 2)
a. Give three examples from the life of the Prophet that illustrate his attitude towards non- Muslims. [3×2]
b. how do these examples help Muslims in their relations with non-Muslims today? [3×2]
a. Write an account of the main activities of Hazrat Uthman
i. during the lifetime of the Prophet [6]
November 2006 (paper 1)
a. Outline four of the Prophet’s personal qualities that make him a model for Muslims to follow. [4×3]
b. Choosing two of these qualities, give one example in each case to show how Muslims can put them into practice in their own lives. [2×2]
November 2006 (paper 2)
a. Describe four incidents that show how, between 622 and 661, the prophet and the rightly guided caliphs conducted relations with other states. [4×3]
b. Suggest ways in which any two of these examples can provide models for relations between states today. [4]
a. Write an account of the main activities of Hazrat Umar:
i. during the lifetime of the Prophet
June 2007 (paper 1)
a. Write an account of the major difficulties encountered by
i. the Prophet and [6]
ii. his followers [6]
during the years when they lived in Makkah
b. Explain how their reaction to these difficulties can set an example for Muslims today. [4]
June 2007 (paper 2)
a. Describe three events from the time pf the Prophet and the rightly guided Caliphs that show how they conducted relations between the early Muslim community and other communities. [3×4]
b. Suggest ways in which any one of these examples can provide models for relations between states today.
June 2008 (paper 1)
a. describe the main events of the Prophet’s migration form Makkah to Madinah [10]
b. Explain why he thought it important to make this journey. [6]
June 2008 (paper 2)
What can the example of the Prophet in his relationship with his wives teach Muslims today? [4
a. Describe the main events during the Prophet’s lifetime which involved the following people:
i. Khadijah
ii. Abu Talib
iii. Abu Sufyan [3×4]
November 2008 (paper 1)
a. Briefly describe four actions or qualities of the Prophet Muhammad that would make clear to the people who lived with him that he was the Messenger of God. [4×3]
November 2008 (paper 2)
a. describe the main activities of Ali during the lifetime of the Prophet [6]
June 2009 (paper 1)
a. describe the events of any two of the battles fought by the Prophet while he was the leader of the community at Madinah. [10]
b. How does his conduct in one of these battles provide a model for Muslims today when they face difficulties? [4]
a. Write an account of the first migration (hijra) of the Muslims to Abyssinia. [10]
b. Why did the people of Makkah pursue these Muslims? [4]
Novmeber 2009 (paper 1)
a. Write an account of the ways in which the Quran was revealed to the Prophet between the years 610 and 632. [10]
b. What does the Prophet’s first experience tell us about the nature of prophethood in Islam? [4]
Explain the importance of the Pleges of Aqabah to the Prophet in the period leading up to the migration. [4]
June 2010 (paper 1)
Give an account of how the Quran was compiled in the years following the Prophet’s death. [10]\
a. Write about the life of the Prophet up until the first relevelation. [10]
b. Why was his relation with his wife Khadijah important for him? [4]
November 2010 (paper 1)
a. Describe the main difficulties encountered by the Prophet himself during his time in Makkah after his call to prophethood. [10]
b. How does his conduct in one of these difficulties provide a exapmle for Muslims today? [4]
What major events make the caliphate of
a. Hazrat Umar and
b. Hazrat Uthman important in Islamic history? [8]
June 2002 (paper 1)
a. Describe the main achievements of i. Abu Bakr and ii. Uthman, during the periods when they were caliphs. [10]
b. Explain the importance of the achievements of one of these caliphs in Islamic history. [6]
June 2003 (paper 2)
a, Explain why Mu’awiya refused to accept Ali as caliph. [6]
b. Describe the main events of the battle of Siffin. [4]
c. Explain why some supporters of Ali left him after the battle of Siffin. [4]
June 2004 (paper 2)
Explain the significance of Abu Bakr, Uthman and Ali [2×6]
November 2004 (paper 2)
a. Describe three examples from the time of the Prophet and the Rightly Guided Caliphs that show the relations between the early Muslim state and other states. [3×4]
b. Suggest ways in which any two of these examples can provide models for relations between states today. [4]
a. Write short accounts of the lives of any two of the RIghtly Guided Caliphs. [2×6]
b. Explain the significance of one of your chosen figures during his reign as Caliph. [4]
June 2005 (paper 2)
a. Write an account of the major contributions made to Islam by Abu Bakr;
i. during the Holy Prophet’s time
ii. and during his caliphate. [8]
b. Explain why he was known as the Honest One (al-Siddiq) and the Savior of Islam [4]
November 2005 (paper 2)
a. Write an account of the life of Ali ibn Abi Talib, paying particular attention to:
i. his companionship with the Prophey [6]
ii. his caliphate. [6]
b. Explain why Ali was opposed by Mu’awiya during his rule as caliph. [4]
c. Explain why Ali’s leadership of the communty is regarded as important by Shi’i Muslims [4]
June 2006 (paper 2)
a. Write an account of the main activities of Hazrat Uthman:
i. during he lifetime of the prophet [6]
ii. during his caliphate. [6]
b. Explain why Hazrat Uthman encountered difficulties in the latter years of his caliphate and was assassinated
November 2006 (paper 1)
a. Trace the major stages of compilation of the Quran in the time of the caliphs Abu Bakr and Uthman. [2×5]
b. Why did these caliphs think it was important to make a compilation of Quran? [6]
November 2006 (paper 2)
a. Write an account of the main activities of Hazrat Umar:
i. during the lifetime of the Prophet
ii. during his caliphate. [2×6]
b. What does the manner of Hazrat Umar’s death tell us about his character? [4]
June 2007 (paper 2)
a. Describe three events from the time of the Prophet and the Rightly Guided Caliphs that show how they conducted relations between the early Muslim community and other communities. [3×4]
June 2008 (paper 2)
a. Write about
i. Abu Bakr’s conquest of the false prophets
ii. Uthaman’s arrangements to make a collection of the Quran. [2×5]
b. Explain why these two caliphs thought it was important to take these actions. [2×3]
November 2008 (paper 2)
a. Describe the main activities of ALi during the lifetime of the Prophet. [6]
b. Describe the main events of Ali’s rule as caliph. [6]
c. Explain why close companions of the Prophet opposed Ali, and why his supporters deserted him towards the end of his life. [2×2]
June 2009 (paper 2)
a. Trace the expansion of the Islamic empire under the rule of the caliph Umar. [10]\
b. What does the way he died tell us about his character? [4]
a. Describe the main events of the caliphate of Ali [10]
b. Expalin why Talha and Zubair opposed Ali [4]
November 2009 (paper 1)
a. Write briefly about the conversion to Islam of Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali. [10]
b. In what ways did the conversion of Umar help the young Muslim community? [4]
November 2009 (paper 2)
a. Describe Abu Bakr’s activities agains the false prophets and apostate tribes. [10]
b. Why is Abu Bakr called the savious of Islam? [4]
June 2010 (paper 2)
a. What major events took place during the caliphate of Uthman? [10]
b. Explain why Uthman encountered difficulties in the latter years of his caliphate and was assassinated. [4]
June 2003 (paper 2)
a. Write short biographical accounts of any three of the following Muslim
i. Bilal
ii. Talha
iii. Hafsa
iv. Hasan [3×4]
b. Explain the importance in Islam of any two of the above Muslims you have chosen. [2×2]
June 2004 (paper 2)
a. Identify each of the Ten Blessed Companions. [4]
b. Explain the significance of:
i. Abu Bakr
either ii. Uthman
or iii. Ali
during the lifetime of the Prophet. [2×6]
November 2005 (paper 2)
a. identify the ten blessed blessed companions. [8]
b. Explain why they were known by this name. [2]
c. Write brief notes about the lives of any three of these companionsnwho did not become caliphs. [3×2]
June 2006 (paper 2)
Describe the part played by Zaid bin Thabit in preserving the revelations after the Prophet’s death. [8]
November 2006 (paper 2)
a. write an account of the main activities of Hazrat Umar:
i. during the life time of the Prophet
ii. during his caliphate [2×6]
b. What does the manner of Hazrat Umar’s death tell us about his character? [4]
November 2000 (paper 1)
Explain how the following figures were important in compiling the Quran.
a. Hafsa [3]
b. Abu Bakr [3]
c. Uthman [5]
d. Zaid bin Thabit [5]
June 2002 paper 1
Describe the teachings of Islam about the position of women as:
i. wives [4]
ii. mothers [4]
iii. daughters [3]
b. explain the teachings of the Quran about the relationship between men and women. [5]
June 2003 (paper 1)
a. what methods were used by the major collectors to ensure the Hadith they accepted were genuine? [8]
b. In what circumstances do Sunni Muslims allow the use of Qiyas (analogy)? [4]
c. Why do Shi’i Mslims attach importance to the use of aql (reason) in establishing the Islamic law? [4]
June 2003 (paper 2)
Give examples from the teachings of the Quran and from the life of Prophet to show how Muslims should act in their relationships with any two of the following:
a. friend
b. strangers
c. business partners [2×8]
November 2005 (paper 1)
a. Briefly describe the four main sources of legal thinking in Islam. [12]
b. Give one example each to show how the third and fourth of these legal sources are used. [4]
November 2005 (paper 2)
Explain what Muslims mean when they say they should be modest towards:
a. God [5]
b. members of the opposite sex [6]
c. friends at school or work [5]
June 2006 (paper 2)
a. briefly explain the importance of the Scribes of the Prophet. [4]
b. outline the work they carried out in writing the revelations. [4]
c. describe the part played by Zayd bin Thabit in preserving the revelations after the Prophet’s death. [8]
November 2006 (paper 1)
a. Trace the major stages in the compilation of the Quran in the ime of the caliphs Abu Bakr and Uthman. [2×5]
b. Why did the caliphs think it was important to make a compilation of the Quran? [6]
What can the example of the Prophet in his relationship with his wives teach Muslims today?
June 2000
a. Give a brief description of the stages that led to the collection of Ahadith in the six authoritative bookd (al-sahih, al-sittah) [10]
b. Explain how the Hadith are used in working out the details of the Islamic Law.
November 2000
Describe the methods used by the major collectors to ensure the hadith which they accepted was genuine. [10]
November 2001 (paper 2)
Explain how the (a) Quran and (b) Sunnah are used by the legal experts in establishing the Shariah? [16]
June 2003 (paper1)
a. What methods were used by the major collectors to ensure the Hadith they accepted was genuine? [8]
b. how are Quran and Hadith used in working out the Islamic law? (4)
November 2004 (paper 1)
a. Give two scientific examples how the Hadith have been used together with the Quran in working out the Islamic Law. [2×5]
b. Explain the importance of
i. the isnad
ii. the matn
in deciding that a Hadith is Aithentic. [2×3]
June 2005 (paper 1)
a. what methods are used by the collectors of the six major books of Hadith to ensure that the sayings of the Prophet they accepted were genuine? [8]
b. how are Quran and Hadith employed in working out the Islamic law?
June 2006 (paper 1)
a. Explain the importance of the isnad (chain of transmitters) and of the matn (body of text) in assisting scholars to check the authenticity of a Hadith. [12]
b. outline the major differences between the musnad and musannaf collections of Hadith. (4)
June 2009 (paper 2)
a. outline the main teachings of the Hadith you have studied about the importance of Muslim communal life. [10]
November 2009 (paper 2)
a. describe the methods employed by the compilers of the major books of Hadith to ensure the Hadiths they collected were authentic. [10]
b. why is it important for Muslims to have collections of authentic hadiths? (4)
June 2010 paper 2
a. how did the compilers of Hadith (mutahadithin) judge between acceptable and unacceptable Hadiths? [10]
November 2010 paper 2
a. how have the Hadith of the Holy Prophet been used as a source of guidance by the Muslims? [10]
b. “Truly, My mercy overcomes My wrath.” this is a Hadith Qudsi. what is special about Hadith of this kind? (4)
b. Explain the significance of
i. Abu Bakr RA, and
either ii. Uthman RA,
OR iii. Ali RA during the lifetime of Prophet saw. [2*6]
a. Write short accounts of the lives of any two of the Rightly Guided Caliphs. [2*6]
b. Explain the significance of one of your chosen figures during his reign as a caliph. [4]
a. Describe three examples from the life of Prophet saw and the Rightly Guided Caliphs that show the relations between early Muslim states and other states. [3*4]
b. Suggest ways in which any two of the examples can provide models for relation between states today. [4]
a. Write an account of the main activities of Hazrat Uthman
i. during the lifetime of Prophet saw;
ii. during his caliphate. [6]
b. Explain why Hazrat Uthman encountered these difficulties in the latter years of his caliphate and was assassinated. [4]
a. Write briefly abou the concersion to Islam of Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali RA. [10]
a. What major events took place during the caliphate of Uthman? [10]
b. Explain why Uthman ra encountered difficulties in the later years of his caliphate and was assassinated. [4]
a. Write a descriptive account of the important events that took place in the caliphates of any two of the four Rightly Guided Caliphs. [10]
b. Briefly state why any one event written about in part [a] was of special significance. [4]
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